Wednesday, October 16, 2013

PTA: Myth VS. Fact

MYTH: The PTA is just one big clique. I will not fit in.
FACT:  The majority of the active PTA members do know each other. But this comes as a result of working together on various PTA projects. However, our group is friendly and receptive to all, everyone is welcome!!

MYTH: Only moms are actually involved with PTA.
FACT: We want participation from not only moms, but dads, grandparents, guardians, older siblings, aunts, uncles, etc. We hope to see and are excited to receive participation from all family members.

MYTH: The PTA has all the help they need. My participation will not make a difference.
FACT: We want and need as much of your help and participation as you are able to give. We still have committee positions that need to be filled and of course, we need volunteers to help at our events. If you decide to volunteer, it’s up to you to choose how much time you are willing to commit to. And new ideas are always welcome-it helps to keep our PTA fresh and exciting!! All levels of participation are needed!!!

MYTH: Joining PTA means I have to volunteer and I don’t have the time.
FACT: There will be opportunities for you to get involved, but there is no pressure and no guilt. We understand that most people lead very busy lives and most want to contribute much more than they are able to. We certainly value your time, when you can give it, but more importantly, we value your commitment to your child’s education! Your membership does not mean you have to volunteer, that is solely your choice. Any help is better than none. Even if you only have a half hour, we greatly appreciate whatever you can do.

MYTH: Volunteering means I’ll be sucked into a never-ending black hole, requiring me to give up tons of hours, inevitably sucking me dry.
FACT: The PTA is flexible and has progressed to meet the changing needs of families. Project responsibilities can be adjusted to fit with your time constraints. You may also find that you can volunteer in other ways besides time.

MYTH: My child's life will be the same whether I join the PTA or not.
FACT: This is simply not true. Membership puts you in direct communication with other parents and teachers. Research shows that children whose parents are involved make better grades and have fewer disciplinary problems at school. When parents are plugged in, their children do better. You’ll show your children that not only are they important to you but their education is as well.

MYTH: PTA membership never expires. I only have to join once.
FACT:  Each new school year begins a new PTA membership year. Membership cards are issued to each member who joins PTA when dues are paid and are good for an annual membership only.

MYTH: It’s only $5 and my $5 won’t make a difference.
FACT: Yes, it’s only $5 but the $5 that you pay for your membership is important to the PTA. Without the money the PTA raises, your child’s learning experience would be severely affected. SWES needs more money than it receives and that’s where the PTA comes in at. We help the school raise money for improvements and supplies. Every penny counts.

Along with the perk of making a difference in your child’s school and a commitment to their education, your membership into the SWES PTA also allows you to get discounts to well-known businesses such T-mobile, Staples, Hertz, Met-life, and more.

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